Corporate Scorecard
SickKids’ corporate scorecard is a tool to measure progress against our five-year strategic plan. Key performance indicators (KPIs) are metrics in the corporate scorecard that are refreshed on an annual basis. Each KPI has a specific definition to support measurement, individuals accountable for performance, and targets to motivate the organization. Corporate scorecard results are reviewed quarterly by SickKids’ senior management team, on a fiscal year basis, with actions taken when necessary to ensure performance remains on track. As part of a broader enterprise-wide approach to performance management, the corporate scorecard is a valuable tool to help SickKids deliver on the promise of SickKids 2025.
KPIs below are colour coded as green (meets or exceeds target), yellow (approaching target), red (below target), or grey (not reported or baseline data collection).
Individualize Child and Youth Health Care
To unlock the potential of Precision Child Health, SickKids will invest in the human and technical capabilities necessary to harness the power of big data, advanced analytics, and artificial intelligence. Our first crucial step will be implementing a data management system for the linkage of data from multiple sources. Translating this data into insights using artificial intelligence, we will enhance care for newborns, children, and adolescents. Efforts will rely on a renewed focus as a children’s research hospital. By increasing child and family engagement in research, enhancing educational initiatives, and improving the visibility of research in our physical spaces, all children will gain the opportunity to contribute to and the right to benefit from research.
Number of SickKids patients receiving sequencing at SickKids for clinical care
Sequencing types included: Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS), Whole Exome Sequencing (WES), Panels reported from WES, RNA sequencing
Target: 200
Actual: 182
Status: Approaching target
Actual: 239
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Number of samples receiving sequencing for research at SickKids
Sequencing types included: Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS), Whole Exome Sequencing (WES), Panels reported from WES, RNA sequencing
Target: 2875
Actual: 1266
Status: Below target
Actual: 1720
Status: Below target
Actual: 2360
Status: Approaching target
Approaching target
Percentage of new enrollments in clinical research studies
Numerator: Total number of new enrollments in clinical research studies
Denominator: Total patient count (patients seen)
Target: 3%
Actual: 4%
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Actual: 3%
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Actual: 3%
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Actual: 3%
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Newly opened clinical studies in the reporting period (includes retrospective, prospective observational and prospective interventional) as a proportion of all open clinical research studies
Target: 3%
Actual: 4%
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Create a seamless child and family experience
SickKids will work closely with health and social services organizations to build capacity for high-quality paediatric care, improve transitions to community and adult services, and support regional/provincial paediatric system development. Where appropriate, we will pursue structural collaborations and other forms of integration to unlock value and address system gaps in primary care, urgent care, and home care. Through care delivered connected digital and physical spaces, a renewed focus on integrated mental health care, and advocacy on equity and the social determinants of health, we aim to create more seamless health care experiences for all children and families.
Percent of ambulatory visits completed virtually
Numerator: Total number of ambulatory visits delivered virtually
Denominator: Total number of ambulatory visits
Target: 30%
Actual: 32%
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Actual: 30%
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Time from admission order in the Emergency Department to time the patient is admitted/received to the floor for Psychiatry service, based on coded diagnosis for ED visits. Includes all Psychiatry admissions across units 7A and 5E, as well as ‘off-serviced’ admissions to other units.
Target: 2.5
Actual: 2.6
Status: Approaching target
Actual: 2.3
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Actual: 2.3
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Time from admission order in the Emergency Department to time the patient is admitted/received to the floor for Adolescent Medicine service, based on coded diagnosis for ED visits. Includes all Adolescent Medicine admissions across units 7A and 5E, as well as ‘off-serviced’ admissions to other units.
Target: 2.5
Actual: 7.9
Status: Below target
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Actual: 2
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Status: Below target
Percentage of unique patients with an Emergency Department registration, Inpatient admission, or Outpatient visit that responded ‘Complete Now’ to the Health Equity Questionnaire
Denominator: All unique patients with an Emergency Department registration, Inpatient admission, or Outpatient visit
Numerator: All unique patients with a ‘Complete Now’ response to the Health Equity Questionnaire either on the date of their encounter or within the two years prior to the encounter.
Target: 60%
Actual: 3%
Status: Below target
Actual: 6%
Status: Below target
Ensure quality and accountability in everything we do
SickKids will advance all dimensions of quality including safety, timeliness, effectiveness, efficiency, equity, and patient-centredness. According to their preference, we will engage children and families in decision-making for care, education, and research with a spirit of respect, communication, and partnership. Principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion will be reflected in partnership efforts with advisors, including targeted recruitment of vulnerable populations. Building on existing efforts to promote safety, SickKids will endeavour to be a high-reliability organization where no patient, family, or staff member has to bear the burden of preventable harm. Improvement science will be leveraged to advance a culture of continuous improvement with a focus on waste elimination, efficiency, and resource stewardship to maximize patient benefits, staff experience, and financial health.
Target: N/A
Actual: 6485
Status: N/A
Actual: 6534
Status: N/A
Actual: 6414
Status: N/A
Actual: 6078
Status: N/A
Target: N/A
Actual: 67%
Status: N/A
Actual: 67%
Status: N/A
Actual: 65%
Status: N/A
Actual: 64.2%
Status: N/A
Total number of exams to be performed by GA/non-GA status
Target: N/A
Total – 6414
GA – 1784
Non-GA – 4630
Total – 6174
GA – 1554
Non-GA – 4620
Total – 6111
GA – 1420
Non-GA – 4691
Total – 6157
GA – 1320
Non-GA – 4837
Total number of procedures to be performed, and by GA/non-GA status
Target: N/A
Total – 684
GA – 456
Non-GA – 228
Total – 697
GA – 450
Non-GA – 247
Total – 711
GA – 464
Non-GA – 247
Total – 628
GA – 390
Non-GA – 238
Cumulative fiscal year rate of select current hospital acquired conditions (HACs) reported on the hospital Harm Index Report/1000 patient days
Including: SSI, CLABSI, PU, ADE, CAUTI, Falls, UE
Excluding: Serious Safety Events, VAP
Target: N/A
Actual: 1.12
Status: N/A
Actual: 0.48
Status: N/A
Status: N/A
Status: N/A
Target: N/A
Actual: 0.50
Status: N/A
Actual: 0.42
Status: N/A
Actual: 0.49
Status: N/A
Actual: 0.41
Status: N/A
Time interval between ED disposition date/time and patient left ED date/time for admitted patients to an inpatient bed or operating room, at 90th percentile level.
Target: 8.80
Actual: 8.13
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Actual: 7.12
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Actual: 10.86
Status: Below target
Actual: 6.03
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Proportion of abdominal/pelvic CT scans obtained in paediatric trauma patients for detection of itnra-abdominal injury (IAI)
Target: 35%
Actual: 39%
Status: Approaching target
Actual: 31%
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Percentage meeting the 30-minute transport service standard (time between Transport acknowledging request until the services is completed)
Target: 90%
Actual: 90%
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Actual: 91%
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Actual: 93%
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Actual: 91%
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Number of order lines not filled divided by the number of lines ordered through the Cardinal Stockless Program
Target: 85%
Actual: 89%
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Actual: 90%
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Actual: 87%
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Actual: 91%
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Unleash the talent of our people
SickKids’ staff are our most valuable asset. We will create a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive environment that empowers all staff and mobilizes the range of ideas, talent, perspectives, and experiences critical to excellence in child health. Progress in the workplace will be balanced by an emphasis on emotional health and well-being where employees are provided with the skills and resources necessary to build the resilience and self-awareness to sustain happy and productive lives, at work and at home.
Number of peer support activations (1:1 outreach, Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM), or other) stemming from a request that is initiated by staff or at the request of a third party for a group/team, or on behalf of an individual staff member, or identified through occasional walkabouts through units/departments
Target: 497
Actual: 1846
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Actual: 1396
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Actual: 2500
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Actual: 1893
Status: Meets or exceeds target
The average of scores for manager responses to JOHSC recommendations within 21 days, manager responses to employee safety reports, and respirator fit testing compliance
Target: 85%
Actual: 81%
Status: Approaching target
Actual: 82%
Status: Approaching target
Actual: 73%
Status: Below target
Actual: 86%
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Inclusion criteria: Number of safety reports, including any from whistleblowing system, received on respect, civility, or harassment
Target: 47 (Target set to encourage increase in reporting)
Actual: 53
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Actual: 60
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Actual: 76
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Actual: 57
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Drive financial sustainability
SickKids will advocate with provincial and federal governments for stable funding to meet the unique physical, mental health, and psychosocial needs of children and families, as well as to establish sustainable, multi-year funding strategies. Where possible, SickKids will leverage our core competencies to pursue revenue generating opportunities locally, nationally, and internationally. Through a renewed focus on industry partnerships and commercialization, we will remove barriers and fast track promising discoveries to generate financial returns for the organization. SickKids Foundation is a critical partner in our mission of Healthier Children. A Better World. To advance this shared commitment, SickKids will continue to collaborate with the Foundation in aligning strategic priorities with fundraising strategies, and in bringing hope to children and families on a global scale.
Increase in Ministry of Health (MOH) funding (dollars)
Target: $151.1 million
Actual: $154.7 million
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Actual: $161.9 million
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Increase in non-MOH revenues (dollars)
Target: $15.5 million
Actual: $16.9 million
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Actual: $15.9 million
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Actual: $18.5 million
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Actual: $19.4 million
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Total Margin per Ministry reporting
Target: (11-12%)
Actual: (0.9%)
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Actual: (1.2%)
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Actual: (2.6%)
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Actual: (0.1%)
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Current Ratio per Ministry reporting
Target: N/A
Actual: 0.4
Status: N/A
Actual: 0.4
Status: N/A
Actual: 0.2
Status: N/A
Actual: 0.7
Status: N/A
Days unrestricted cash on hand to cover daily expense commitments
Target: N/A
Actual: 74
Status: N/A
Actual: 77
Status: N/A
Actual: 63
Status: N/A
Actual: 92
Status: N/A
Percentage of Board approved hospital capital budget spend (not including Project Horizon)
See respective quarters for targets.
Actual: 12%
Target: 10%
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Actual: 24%
Target: 20%
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Actual: 38%
Target: 30%
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Actual: 58%
Target: 80%
Status: Below target
Year over year percentage increase of total Research Institute revenue
Target: 5%
Actual: 3%
Status: Approaching target
Actual: 5%
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Actual: 3%
Status: Approaching target
Actual: 3%
Status: Approaching target
See respective quarters for targets.
Target: $8M
Status: Below target
Target: $12M
Status: Below target
Actual: $18.1M
Target: $15M
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Actual: $41.8M
Target: $30M
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Build an academic health sciences centre for the future
As a critical underpinning of Precision Child Health, we will integrate data assets across the SickKids enterprise to deliver value to patients and families, staff, partners, and government. In parallel, we will optimize Epic and business intelligence systems and invest in digital solutions to support clinical care, education, research, operations, and transition to an agile work environment. Project Horizon, SickKids’ campus redevelopment plan, will deliver upgraded facilities as well as physical and technological infrastructure to ensure SickKids remains a world-class leader in paediatric health care. Finally, recognizing the importance of environmental factors in the health of children and future generations, SickKids will act as responsible stewards of a healthy planet.
Target: 100%
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Percent of milestones met on PH Horizon technology plan (incl. Software Defined Networking -SDN, End User Devices, and Teams Voice)
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Target: 100%
Status: Approaching target
Status: Approaching target
Status: Approaching target
Status: Approaching target
See respective quarters for targets.
Target: 16.46
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Target: 11.66
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Target: 22.61
Status: Meets or exceeds target
Target: 30.97
Status: Meets or exceeds target