SickKids Strategic Plan
2020 – 2025

Unprecedented outcomes

powered by Precision Child Health

SickKids Strategic Plan
2020 – 2025

Unprecedented outcomes

powered by Precision Child Health

Well on our way to unprecedented outcomes

Our SickKids 2025 strategic plan is a roadmap to achieving unprecedented outcomes powered by Precision Child Health. Despite shifting priorities due to the pandemic and other challenges, we’ve made significant progress on our journey!

Well on our way to unprecedented outcomes

Our SickKids 2025 strategic plan is a roadmap to achieving unprecedented outcomes powered by PrecisionChildHealth. Despite shifting priorities due to the pandemic and other challenges, we’ve made significant progress on our journey!

“Created from the collective voice of our community, this five-year plan will be our compass, guiding us to realize new paradigms of research, education, and clinical care.”

Dr. Ronald D. Cohn, SickKids President and CEO

What is Precision Child Health?

At SickKids, Precision Child Health is a movement that will shift us from a one-size-fits-all approach to medicine, to health care that is individualized to each patient’s unique characteristics.

Six strategic directions

Individualize child and youth health care

  • Leverage artificial intelligence integrating big data spanning the genetic code to the postal code
  • Fuel discovery and accelerate translation to groundbreaking clinical trials and care
  • Ensure every patient has the opportunity to engage in and the right to benefit from research

The path to individualized care:

Create a seamless child and family experience

  • Partner purposefully to advance health system integration and value creation
  • Transcend geography with virtual care
  • Integrate physical, mental, and behavioural
    health care
  • Advocate for equity and action on social determinants of health

The path to a seamless experience:

Ensure quality and accountability in
everything we do

  • Partner with patients and families in decision-making for care, research, and education
  • Exemplify compassionate communication and care
  • Eliminate preventable harm
  • Optimize efficiency and use of resources

The path to quality:

Unleash the talent of our people

  • Champion equity, diversity, and inclusion
  • Support psychological safety, emotional health, and wellness
  • Expect a culture of professionalism and respect
  • Bolster creativity and agile decision-making

Enabling our path: People

Drive financial sustainability

  • Secure funding tailored to the unique health needs of children and youth
  • Diversify revenue streams and foster entrepreneurship
  • Collaborate with our Foundation to advance a culture of philanthropy

Enabling our path: Financial sustainability

Build an academic health sciences centre
for the future

  • Accelerate adoption of enterprise-wide data and information systems
  • Drive impact through dynamic technology and infrastructure
  • Mobilize a green-friendly organization

Enabling our path: Technology and infrastructure

Our strategic plan is designed to improve the care we provide to patients and families

Meet Salim, a patient of the future, and see how Precision Child Health will change the patient experience in 2025.

Slide the pink slider across the image to see what the strategic plan means to SickKids’ Children’s Council!